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High Temperature Probes

General Information

The ZIROX high temperature probe KS20 was developed especially for the use under extreme temperature conditions up to 1,450 °C. The oxygen partial pressure can be recorded directly in the burning chamber. The KS20 is calibration-, drift- and maintenance-free.
During measurements in reducing atmosphere, a falsification of the gas composition caused by cooling of the measuring gas in a suction line does not occur. The use of high-quality components and materials guarantees a high long-term stability. If the fuel gas composition is known, it is possible to calculate the air factor λ, the CO-, CO2-, H2- and the H2O- concentration. These values can be provided by external electronic units (e.g. ZIROX® electronic unit E2000).

The KS20 serves the process control and combustion optimization (TÜV-approval according to "TA Luft, 13. und 17. BImSchV") in power and heat plants as well as in incineration plants.
It is also part of control for oxidizing and reducing furnace gases in the ceramic industry.


  • Flue gas measurements in the high temperature range
  • Furnace gas control in the ceramic industry
  • Measurements in protective and inert gases

Technical Data Oxygen Probe KS20

Length300...1500 mm
Diameter25 mm ceramic tube, 28mm steel shaft
Weight1...3.5 kg
Clamp headthermocouple head
Clampsspecial clamps on ceramic socket
Rangeoxidizing and reducing conditions
(100 Vol.-%...10-29 Vol.-% O2)
Accuracy< 5 % rel. error
Working temperature700...1400 °C
Offset0 mV
Sensor voltage
(5.0 Vol.-%, 800 °C)
-33.1 mV
Thermocoupletype B (800 °C corresponds to 3.2 mV)
Reference gasambient air
Reference gas flow5...10 l/h
Clamp assignment:
(1) GroundAGND
(2) Sensor voltage-Vz
(3) Thermal voltage+Vt

Mounting recommendation:

  • Stuffing box


  • Immersion sleeve (Probe protection at flow > 10 m/s)


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